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Microsoft Edge browser after 90 days of use!


Previously, Microsof Edge or Internet Explorer must have transmitted that bad view to users since its eternity. It is a slow and bad browser, as many say. And it might have been like this for a long time, until the Microsoft Edge Chromium browser, which is based entirely on Chromium (itself the engine on which a group of popular browsers like Chrome) comes. However, many did not like to use Edge Chromium because of the eternal look stuck in their minds, and that this browser is and will always remain the worst browser ever. On June 12th, Microsoft officially announced the Beta version of the Edge Chromium browser, in turn we provided news about it but we did not test it because it is still in beta or beta mode, but about a month later, and after launching a stable version of the browser, we did not hesitate to His experience, so our experience lasts for him so far.

And the time has come, to give you our straightforward opinion after more than 3 months of full use and full dependency on Edge Chromium browser as my primary browser. In this article, I would like to discuss with you all the pros, cons and features I liked that I did not like about Edge Chromium completely.

First things first, moving from Chrome to Edge

My biggest challenge first was to switch from Chrome to Edge browser, all my favorite sites, plugins on Chrome, settings and many more are fully equipped in Chrome browsers, and even stored in a specific mail in order to get the same settings and plugins and everything in all Once I switch to another computer, it will be difficult to navigate to Edge and reinstall all the plugins and settings. But I am surprised, dear reader, that you can transfer completely to Edge using the same email, by registering with your mail where you save all the settings, you will be able to get all the additions, favorites, bookmarks and all at once and quickly, as if you had not changed the browser at all. Not only that, but if you are now trying to try Edge Chromium, do not delete Chrome until you have fully installed it, so that with a single click of a button that the browser suggests to you at the beginning, you can import all additions, settings and full features from Chrome to Edge, and it will not take that Only two minutes of work.

Basics and completely different protection techniques


Most browsers do not really care about your privacy or maintain it, for example Google Chrome does not care at all about your privacy, in fact it violates it completely in order to spy on you and your browsing habits in order to provide content that suits you in terms of ads, Firefox in turn provides you with some good protection methods, But what about Edge Chromium?
Edge provides you with the most important protection features represented in 3 options. The first is Basic, which is the standard procedure that prevents you from browsing websites while browsing, ads that cover content or dense in websites, and any javascript codes that are harmful to websites. As for the second option, it does the same, but by adding the feature of blocking websites that track you even when they are not visited or when they are closed, because some sites track you through cookies even after they are closed, while the third option is a protection maniac (like me) which is to stop almost any method on websites And advertising services track you or know anything about you, in addition to preventing any codes that may be harmful to you or permanent in the form of cookies.

It has a simple and customizable UI / UX interface

browser edge

Edge has always had a bad interface and a fairly slow and slow experience, but be happy, you can customize your browser better in terms of UI / UX. Let's talk first about the dark mode that many adore, the browser comes in this mode and can completely switch the browser to this mode for a better use experience. In the interface of the site, you will be able to customize it on demand, either providing important sites for you on the main page of the browser, or showing a specific site such as a custom search engine, or choosing the option to show news and developments from various sites, which is the option that I use personally, as I would like to stay on Launching the best novelties in the world, you can also customize the latter to show specific areas such as technology, art, economics, business, and others. In the settings you will also be able to control the default search engine, as Edge comes with the Bing engine in the first place, but you can customize it and convert it to another search engine like Google or Duckduck Go from the settings, which makes the control of the browser better and easier.

Less RAM consumption and device resources ... much less consumption!

consumption RAM

Despite all the reasons above, you may still not be convinced to change your browser, Google chrom or others, to Edge, but I will tell you something, through my experience of many browsers based on Chromium or popular browsers among them: Google Chrome, Opera, FireFox, Vivaldi, Torsh, I can tell you with confidence that Edge is the least-consuming device resource among all of these browsers. Personally, I do not only work on the browser, but there are other side programs that I use as well, which makes the accumulation of work and tasks on the device difficult to manage and the device lags from time to time, but with Edge it became very rare, even when using more than 10 tabs In the browser besides other software, I have no problem consumption RAM! Google Chrome precisely suffers from the problem of large consumption of the device and RAM resources, and is irritating if not absent for a long time, and even when the browser is closed you find that it still consumes a large segment of RAM, but Edge is completely opposite, it is smooth, simple, and no It consumes only what it needs, and the reason for this is due to limited and specific consumption, Google Chrome for example consumes more because it performs several hidden tasks (mostly spy missions), while Edge deals only with what you need.

All Extensions are in Edge

Many believe that once they move to Edge and abandon their favorite browser, such as Google Chrome, they will not be able to take advantage of Extensions that help you to have a more wonderful and professional browsing experience, which is a mistake, since all Extensions for Google Chrome are already in Edge Chromium, And because it is based on chromium, they share the same engine and the same characteristics, and all additions, even rare ones, are there. Believe me, I use some extentions that are difficult to find, but I found them in Edge, and they technically share the same store.

Dear developer, do not worry, the console is the same

Then the developers will ask, yes, all of this is good, but it does not suit me, because I work in the console and use the DevTool for Chrome, which provides me with access to the source code and amend it live and monitor errors and warnings and all that.


We are glad to inform you, dear reader, that Edge comes with the same DevTool for Chrome itself, yes it may be a little late in the update, but you get the same features and advantages as the console in Google Chrome, with some changes also in terms of the interface, all the changes related to the interface Basically, however, in terms of functionality, features, and technologies, it remains as robust as it is on Chrome and other browsers. Edge Chromium can be likened to being Chrome but with very significant improvements in terms of privacy and strong RAM consumption, so you get all the features and technologies found in major browsers but with more professionalism. Edge Chromium will not remain a limited, bad, and slow browser, but for now I find it among the best browsers that you will ever try.

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